The nose is one of the most prominent and distinctive facial features. A nose that is too large or too small, or one that has a hump, bump, deviation, or obvious asymmetry can distract from one's overall facial appearance and appeal.
Dr. Miller's Approach To Rhinoplasty
Individuals interested in nose surgery may be concerned with one or more issues, such as a hump or bump, nasal tip asymmetry, or a deviated or crooked appearance. Sometimes, the overall size of the nose may be too large or the patient may just want a better-looking nose. Rest assured, rhinoplasty techniques have improved steadily over the years to a point where excellent, consistent outcomes are common in the hands of an experienced surgeon. The surgery is customized for each patient, and at Refreshed Aesthetic Surgery, VECTRA® 3-D computer imaging can be used to educate and demonstrate possible results. During this process, we can also assess whether chin augmentation would be a valuable addition at the time of surgery. Adding to the projection or size of the chin is sometimes needed to bring balance to the face. Although this is recommended for some patients, it is not a requirement.