A brow lift is a customized facial surgery that smooths deeper, visible brow creases, lifts the brow to a youthful location, or corrects a heavy or overhanging brow.
What Is A Brow Lift?
A brow lift can help restore a pleasant, inviting, Refreshed facial look—boosting self-confidence. During the procedure, the effects of aging and gravity are corrected. This customized surgery gently lifts drooping brows, restoring them to a more youthful position. In some cases, the surgery helps to address vision issues associated with a drooping brow. In the procedure, meticulously placed incisions are at the ear level, hidden within the hairline. After lifting the forehead skin, any excess skin and fat will be removed, and the facial muscles will be tightened for a long-lasting rejuvenation. The result is a more well-rested, relaxed look.