Dr. Timothy R. Miller, M.D. is a fellowship-trained, double board-certified facial plastic surgeon with a practice in Orange County, CA.

Timothy Robert Miller, M.D. Curriculum Vitae
- American Academy of Facial Plastic & Reconstructive Surgery Fellowship — July 2004-June 2005
- University of Utah School of Medicine Salt Lake City, Utah
Otolaryngology - Head & Neck Surgery Residency — July 2000-June 2004
General Surgery Internship — June 1999- June 2000 - University of California, Davis School of Medicine Davis, California
Doctor of Medicine — September 1995-June 1999 - California State University, Sacramento Sacramento, California
Bachelor of Arts in Biochemistry — January 1991-June 1995
Summa Cum Laude - Christian Brothers High School Sacramento, California
Instruction / Moderator
- Blepharoplasty and browlifts. 14th Annual Vegas Cosmetic Surgery Symposium. Masters Seminar. Las Vegas. June 2018.
- Masters Seminar. Lower blepharoplasty using fat repositioning and simultaneous peri-orbital fat grafting. 9th Annual Vegas Cosmetic Surgery Symposium. Las Vegas. June 2013.
- AAFPRS Annual Fall Meeting. Washington D.C. Sept. 5-8, 2012. Lower blepharoplasty using fat repositioning and simultaneous peri-orbital fat grafting.
- University of California, Irvine, Department of Otolaryngology Head and Neck Surgery. Faculty: Facial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery Cadaver Dissection Course, July 2008.
- Refreshed Aesthetic Surgery
Aliso Viejo, California — December 2013-Present - Facial Aesthetic Concepts
San Clemente, California — July 2005-December 2013 - Natural Gas/Oil Drilling Industry
Occupation: Driller California — 1984-1993
Board Certification
- American Board of Facial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery
Re-certification completed in 2016. - American Board of Otolaryngology — Head and Neck Surgery
Re-certification completed in 2013
Hospital Appointments
- Saddleback Memorial Hospital, Laguna Hills, California
- Refreshed Aesthetic Surgery Center, Aliso Viejo, California
Presentations (Podium)
Miller TR. Essential Techniques and Historical Perspectives in Fat Repositioning Lower Blepharoplasty. Multi-Specialty Aesthetic Conference. San Diego, CA. August, 2023.
Miller TR. Long Term Results of Fat-Repositioning Lower Blepharoplasty. Multi-Specialty Aesthetic Conference. San Diego, CA. August, 2022.
Miller TR. Technical Considerations during Rhytidectomy (Facelift) to End the Endemic of Pixie ears. AAFPRS Annual Meeting. San Diego, CA. October, 2019.
Miller TR. Aesthetic Blepharoplasty: It’s not just about removing eyelid bags and skin. AAFPRS Annual Meeting. San Diego, CA. October, 2019.
Miller TR. Necklift mastery: The modified Feldman “tuckster” suture technique.
14th Annual Vegas Cosmetic Surgery Symposium. Masters Seminar. Las Vegas. June 2018.
Miller TR. Necklift mastery: The modified Feldman “tuckster” suture technique.
14th Annual Vegas Cosmetic Surgery Symposium. Masters Seminar. Las Vegas. June 2018.
Miller TR. Necklift mastery: The modified Feldman “tuckster” suture technique.
14th Annual Vegas Cosmetic Surgery Symposium. Masters Seminar. Las Vegas. June 2018.
Miller TR. It’s not just about the eyelid bag—3D evaluation of the long-term results of fat repositioning lower blepharoplasty.
14th Annual Vegas Cosmetic Surgery Symposium. Masters Seminar. Las Vegas. June 2018.
Miller TR. The aesthetic value if correcting the hidden eyebrow tail.
14th Annual Vegas Cosmetic Surgery Symposium. Masters Seminar. Las Vegas. June 2018.
Miller TR. Aesthetic blepharoplasty: It’s not just about removing eyelid skin and bags.
18th Annual NVision Summer Symposium. Anaheim, CA., June 2018.
Miller TR. Technical considerations during facelifts to predict and minimize stigmata of surgery.
AAFPRS Annual Fall Meeting. Phoenix, AZ. October, 2017.
Miller TR. The forgotten temples.
12th Annual Vegas Cosmetic Surgery Symposium. Masters Seminar. Las Vegas. June 2016.
Miller TR. 3D volume assessment after fat repositioning lower blepharoplasty.
12th Annual Vegas Cosmetic Surgery Symposium. Masters Seminar. Las Vegas. June 2016.
Miller TR. 3D evaluation of lower blepharoplasty using fat repositioning.
11th Annual Vegas Cosmetic Surgery Symposium. Masters Seminar. Las Vegas. June 2015.
Miller TR. Lower blepharoplasty using fat repositioning and simultaneous peri-orbital fat grafting.
9th Annual Vegas Cosmetic Surgery Symposium. Masters Seminar. Las Vegas. June 2013.
Miller TR. Lower blepharoplasty using fat repositioning and simultaneous peri-orbital fat grafting.
AAFPRS Annual Fall Meeting. Washington D.C. Sept. 5-8, 2012.
Miller TR. "How I Do It," Facial Rejuvenation. University of California, Irvine Otolaryngology Head and Neck Surgery Update, Palm Desert, February 2010.
Miller TR. Facial Plastic Surgery Community Seminars and Webcasts.
- Aliso Viejo, September 2014, March/September 2015.
- San Clemente, (Webinars) February/June/September 2010-2012.
- San Clemente, September/November/ December 2009-2012.
- Aliso Viejo, November 2009.
- Laguna Niguel, February / March 2009.
- San Clemente, December 2008/January 2009.
- Laguna Niguel, September 2008.
- Mission Viejo, CA, April 2008.
- Irvine, CA, March 2008.
- Irvine, CA, November 2007.
- Rancho Santa Margarita, CA, June 2007.
- Rancho Santa Margarita, CA, November 2006.
Miller TR. Update on Facial Plastic Surgery Innovations and Techniques. University of Utah Otolaryngology Head and Neck Surgery Update, June 2006.
Miller TR. Current Trends in Light and Laser Based Therapies for Facial Rejuvenation. Saddleback Memorial Hospital Grand Rounds, San Clemente, Ca, March 2006.
Miller TR. Alternative techniques in auricular reconstruction. University of Utah Otolaryngology Head and Neck Surgery Update, June 11, 2004.
Miller TR, Mobley SR. A new and alternative technique for supra-alar crease reconstruction. Western Section Meeting of The Triological Society, Scottsdale, Arizona, February 1, 2004.
Miller TR, Orlandi RR. Economic analysis of the treatment of posterior epistaxis.
- Annual Meeting of the American Academy of Otolaryngology — Head and Neck Surgery (Scientific Section), Orlando, Florida, September 21-24, 2003.
- University of Utah Otolaryngology Head and Neck Surgery Update, June 13, 2003.
Miller TR, Muntz HR, Gilbert ME, Orlandi, RR. Comparison of topical medication delivery systems after endoscopic sinus surgery.
- Western Section Meeting of The Triological Society, Indian Wells, California, February 2, 2003.
- University of Utah Otolaryngology Head and Neck Surgery Update, June 14, 2002.
Miller TR. Temporomandibular Disorders: Clinical Treatments. University of Utah Otolaryngology Head and Neck Surgery Update, June 15, 2001.
Miller TR, Williams SG, Gandour-Edwards R, Edelman MJ, deVere White RW, Meyers FJ. Response to a taxol based chemotherapy regimen in advanced transitional cell carcinoma is independent of p53 expression.
- Western Medical Student Research Forum, Carmel, California, January 29, 1999.
University of California, Davis Cancer Research Symposium, September 19, 1998. - Miller TR, Covell JW. Collagen uncoiling and healing of infarcted myocardium. American Heart Association Student Research Conference, San Diego, California, August 1994.
Honors & Awards
- Physician of Excellence Award, Orange County Medical Association.
- Best of OC, Cosmetic Surgery, Orange County Register.
- RealSelf 100, Top Social Influencers in Cosmetic Medicine.
- John Orlando Roe Clinical Research Award from American Academy of Facial Plastic & Reconstructive Surgery 2005
- The Triological Society Western Section Resident Travel Award - 2004
- University of California, Davis School of Medicine scholastic scholarships -1995-99
- Sacramento / El Dorado Medical Society Medical Student Scholarships
William E. Dochterman Scholarship
William W. Tucker Scholarship - University of California, Davis School of Medicine Alumni Scholarship-1996
- Clinical Pathology Correlate Medical Student Presentation Award - 1996
- Outstanding Senior Award, Class of 1995, California State University, Sacramento - 1995
- Senior Achievement Award,California State University, Sacramento - 1995
- Phi Kappa Phi,Outstanding Scholar Finalist - 1995
- Faculty Merit Scholar, California State University, Sacramento - 1994
- American Heart Association Student Research Scholarship - 1994
- Refreshed Aesthetic Surgery
Long-term 3D volume assessment after fat repositioning lower blepharoplasty.
Presented & Published. - University of New Mexico / Karl Eisbach, MD, FACS
The effects of topical copper tripeptide complex on CO2 laser resurfaced skin.
Fellowship Research Project. Selected by AAFPRS for Clinical Research Award.
SMAS facelift techniques to minimize stigmata of surgery.
Published. - University of Utah School of Medicine, Division of Otolaryngology
Microarray analysis of intra-uterine fetal wound healing in the murine model.
(IACUC# 01-06005).
Comparison of topical medication delivery systems after sinus surgery.
(IRB# 9459). Presented & Published.
Economic analysis of the treatment of posterior epistaxis.
(IRB# 10867). Presented & Published. - University of California, Davis School of Medicine
Response to a taxol based chemotherapy regimen in advanced transitional cell carcinoma and p53 expression.
Principle Investigators: Fred J. Meyers, M.D., Chair of Internal Medicine, University of California, Davis Medical Center & Ralph W. deVere White, M.D., Chair of Urology & Director of Cancer Research Center, University of California, Davis Medical Center.
Presented & Published.
Bilateral simultaneous internal jugular vein ligation in head and neck cancer.
Principle Investigator: Craig W. Senders, M.D., Department of Otolaryngology, University of California, Davis Medical School, Department of Otolaryngology-Head AND Neck Surgery.
Collagen uncoiling and healing of infarcted myocardium.
American Heart Association Student Research Program Principle Investigator: James W. Covell, M.D.
Presented & Published.
- Miller TR. Long-Term 3-dimensional volume assessment after fat repositioning lower blepharoplasty. JAMA Facial Plast Surg. 2016 Mar 1;18(2):108-113.
- Miller TR. When one plus one equals three: Periorbital rejuvenation using lower blepharoplasty fat repositioning and simultaneous fat augmentation. Plastic Surgery Practice. 2013 August;22-28.
- Miller TR. The forgotten temples. Plastic Surgery Practice. 2012 April;28-32.
- Miller TR, Wagner JD, Baack BR, Eisbach KJ. The effects of topical copper tripeptide complex on CO2 laser resurfaced skin. Arch Facial Plast Surg. 2006 Jul-Aug;8(4):252-9.
- Miller TR, Mobley SR. A new and alternative technique for supra-alar crease reconstruction. Laryngoscope (Submitted).
- Miller TR, Eisbach KJ. SMAS facelift techniques to minimize stigmata of surgery. Facial Plast Surg Clin North Am. 2005 Aug;13(3):421-31.
Republished: Otolaryngol Clin North Am. 2007 Apr;40(2):391-408. - Miller TR, Eisbach KJ. Repair of enlarged pierced-ear openings. Ear Nose Throat J 2005;84:276-277.
- Miller TR, Stevens ES, Orlandi RR. Economic analysis of the treatment of posterior epistaxis. Evaluating the outcomes of the trans-nasal endoscopic sphenopalatine artery ligation technique. Am J Rhinology 2005;19:79-82.
- Miller TR, Muntz HR, Gilbert ME, Orlandi, RR. Comparison of topical medication delivery systems after endoscopic sinus surgery. Laryngoscope 2004;114:201-204.
- Edelmen MJ, Meyers FJ, Miller TR, Williams SG, Gandour-Edwards R, deVere White RW. Phase I/II study of paclitaxel, carboplatin, and methotrexate in advanced transitional cell carcinoma: A well-tolerated regimen with activity independent of p53 mutation. Urology 2000;55:521-525.
- Miller TR, Williams SG, Gandour-Edwards R, Edelman MJ, deVere White RW, Meyers FJ. Response to a taxol based chemotherapy regimen in advanced transitional cell carcinoma is independent of p53 expression. J Investigative Medicine 1999;47:40.
- Omens JH, Miller TR, Covell JW. Relationship between passive tissue strain and collagen uncoiling during healing of infarcted myocardium. Cardiovascular Research 1997;33:351-358.
University of Utah — Division of Otolaryngology — Grand Rounds
- Chin and Malar Implants, February 2004.
- Thyroid Embryology and Anatomy, August 2003.
- Complications of Sinus Surgery, March 2003.
- Local Flaps, September 2002.
- Epistaxis: A changing treatment paradigm, July 2002.
- Laryngeal Embryology: Clinical Correlates, March 2002.
- Ophthalmologic Complications in Otolaryngology, November 2001.
- Temporomandibular Disorders, March 2001.
- Lip Cancer and Reconstruction, December 2000.
- American Academy of Facial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery
- California Medical Association
- Orange County Medical Association
- American Academy of Facial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery. FACE TO FACE - The National Domestic Violence Project.